  • SATs preparation
  • Phonics/Reading
  • Mindfulness/Confidence
  • Mathematics
  • English
  • Wirral Entrance Exam
  • 11+
  • GCSE
  • A-Level
  • Exam Skills
  • Revision Skills
  • CV Workshop
Booster sessions can provide your child with a variety of benefits that can help them reach their educational goals.
At its core, Space To Learn's booster sessions are designed to supplement the learning experience in traditional classrooms by providing additional instruction on topics that may be difficult for students to comprehend in larger classes or on their own.
For example, booster sessions can provide extra help in areas such as maths, reading comprehension, and writing skills. This extra assistance can help your child develop confidence and mastery in these subject areas. Additionally, this type of tutoring may also improve their problem-solving skills and critical thinking abilities which can be essential for success in college and beyond.
 Furthermore, booster sessions help to keep your child motivated by providing individualised attention and guidance from experienced educators. With one-on-one instruction tailored to their academic needs and interests, your child will have the opportunity to gain knowledge at a pace that works best for them. This type of personalised learning environment can reduce stress levels while fostering a love of learning. Ultimately, you’ll likely see improvements in your child’s grades and study habits when they receive extra help through booster sessions.


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